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Academic Continuation

Remote Learning Option during COVID

During this difficult time in our local community, nation, and the world, The Healdsburg School is committed to providing our students with an engaging, meaningful curriculum and maintaining our strong sense of community.

The faculty and staff prioritize the social-emotional well-being of our students and daily face-to-face interactions between teachers and students. Students in grades K-8 remote option check-in with their students daily via Zoom. During this time, teachers facilitate mindfulness and self-care exercises and lead their students in discussion.

Lower School: Grades K-5

Each day, Lower School students spend inquiry time actively engaging in learning. Daily lesson plans are either emailed each day to parents (Grades K-2), posted in Seesaw (Grade 3), or Google Classroom (Grades 4-5). Students then work independently on hands-on activities such as creating fractional suncatchers, acting out their favorite stories in Readers’ theater, building solar ovens, and modeling fractions using materials around their homes. Throughout the day students interact with their teachers and fellow classmates in small reading and math groups through Zoom. 

Middle School: Grades 6-8

Middle School students rotate through their classes each day, just like they would on our physical campus. Teachers post daily assignments in Google Classroom and students virtually attend classes through Zoom. 

Working remotely is especially challenging for middle schoolers who thrive on social connections. To support students, Middle School teachers engage students in group projects and provide them with space in breakout rooms to collaborate on assignments. From exploring the migration to the American West from the perspectives of different groups of people to learning how to graph quadratic functions, our Middle School students are engaged in school and our Middle School teachers have lifted our program from the classroom into the virtual Cloud.

During this difficult time in our local community, nation, and the world, The Healdsburg School is committed to providing our students with an engaging, meaningful curriculum and maintaining our strong sense of community.

The faculty and staff prioritize the social-emotional well-being of our students and daily face-to-face interactions between teachers and students. Each morning, students in grades K-8 begin their day with a class meeting via Zoom. During this time, teachers check-in with students, facilitate mindfulness and self-care exercises and lead their students in discussion.

Lower School: Grades K-5

Each day, Lower School students spend inquiry time actively engaging in learning. Daily lesson plans are either emailed each day to parents (Grades K-2), posted in Seesaw (Grade 3), or Google Classroom (Grades 4-5). Students then work independently on hands-on activities such as creating fractional suncatchers, acting out their favorite stories in Readers’ theater, building solar ovens, and modeling fractions using materials around their homes. Throughout the day students interact with their teachers in small reading and math groups through Zoom. 

Middle School: Grades 6-8

Middle School students rotate through their classes each day, just like they would on our physical campus. Teachers post daily assignments in Google Classroom and students virtually attend classes through Zoom. 

Working remotely is especially challenging for middle schoolers who thrive on social connections. To support students, Middle School teachers engage students in group projects and provide them with space in breakout rooms to collaborate on assignments. From exploring the migration to the American West from the perspectives of different groups of people to learning how to graph quadratic functions, our Middle School students are engaged in school and our Middle School teachers have lifted our program from the classroom into the virtual Cloud.



The assignment was out and students were excited about being able to do anything they could dream up. Riley sat quietly and brainstormed ideas. Towards the end of class, she said, “Ms. Weber, I’ve got it! I want to build a model scale of the school around the Quad, the school’s main community space.  3D [...]

Year of the Tiger

This week THS students celebrated the Chinese New Year welcoming the Year of the Water Tiger. They were busy in Mandarin making papercuts and practicing their calligraphy skills to write Mandarin spring couplets expressing good wishes for the upcoming year. The festivities were kicked off at Tuesday’s Community meeting as First Grade paraded through the [...]

Third Grade Wax Museum

Our Third Grade's recent inquiry of Where We Are in Place and Time began with the Age of Encounter where students learned about navigators discovering the new world and then expanded upon the idea of exploration through the passing of time, in which discoveries led to new understandings in regard to water, land, space, culture, [...]

Día de los Muertos

To celebrate Día de los Muertos, students helped decorate an altar in the Campus Center. Third and Fourth-Grade made clay alebrijes, Fifth-Grade decorated sugar skulls/ calaveras de azúcar and Sixth and Seventh-Grade created small alters remembering a loved one. They put so much love and soul into these works and the results are beautiful.

Kinder & Eighth Grade Buddies

Kindergarten met with their Eighth Grade buddies to do some fun Halloween activities. They built haunted houses with blocks, decorated ghost and pumpkin cookies and wrapped the play structure in cobwebs. THS Buddies are just one of the many ways we strengthen our community and build long lasting friendships.

Fourth Grade Visit St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Cathedral

Fourth Grade enjoyed their first field trip of the year to St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Cathedral in Santa Rosa. Father Lawrence explained the rituals and history of the Cathedral and shared some of the stories behind the many elaborate fresco paintings all over the walls and ceilings. Students took notes, asked questions, and even [...]

Middle School Electives

This year THS Middle School students get to choose two electives each semester from a choice of ten. These include chorus, theatre/drama, band, guitar/keyboarding, 2D art, 3D art, drawing, plant your plate, dance, and French. The students are loving the opportunity to explore new interests in a mixed grade environment. Many thanks to all the [...]

Healdsburg Fire Department Visits Kindergarten

Kindergarten had a very special visit from the Healdsburg Fire Department as part of their "Who We Are" unit. They have been learning how exploration helps us understand our place in the world and how safety is an important part of this. The firefighters discussed fire safety and explained the different parts of the fire [...]

How We Express Ourselves

Fourth Grade held an art exhibition in the THS quad as part of their summative project in the IB unit "How We Express Ourselves." With the central idea being "Art reflects life and affects society," the students studied different artists to learn how they express their message and its impact on the viewer. Each student [...]

Where We Are in Place and Time

Our First Grade students did a deep dive in their IB unit "Where We Are in Place and Time” as they explored airplanes and helicopters at the Pacific Coast Air Museum. The excitement was palpable as students took turns sitting in the cockpit of a Cessna T-37 Tweet. Upon returning to campus, students created art [...]

Who We Are

In their International Baccalaureate unit "Who We Are" our 5th Grade students are studying the male and female reproductive systems and the physical changes that occur during puberty. Students examined canine testicles, ovaries, and uteri to help them understand the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system. Thank you to Wine Country Veterinary Hospital for [...]

Mini Metrics Olympics

Sixth Grade had fun participating in the Mini Metric Olympics during Ms Leslie's Science class. The javelin (paper plate) throw was used to measure length, a handful of pennies was used to measure mass, and the amount of water a sponge can absorb was used to measure volume. The students worked in pairs to complete [...]

4th Grade Musical Art Interpretations

The 4th grade listened to 9 songs of a WIDE and random variety. We read a book called “No One Saw” by Bob Raczka and then each artist interpreted the sounds they heard into abstract or more realistic drawings. The class then had a discussion about what we noticed about everyone’s interpretation.

Faculty Professional Development

THS staff participated in a collaborative professional development program in early August to help define and implement purpose and goals. We worked collaboratively on human-centered design projects to further develop our social and emotional learning program, enhance student support, build community partnerships, and develop interdisciplinary units in our Middle School. These four projects will be [...]

Earth Day 2021!

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." — Native American Proverb What does celebrating Earth Day look like for you and your family? At THS, we like to think that Earth Day is every day! Educating our students about resources, climate change, and eco-responsibility is embedded in [...]

Virtual Science Day

Virtual Science Day THS students put on their mad scientist hats, rolled up their sleeves and joined an exciting virtual Science Day on Tuesday, January 19th! The THS Science Day Team and the Parent Organization worked hard to create a fun day full of a variety of exciting home-based experiments and challenges to celebrate everything [...]

Third Grade Wax Museum

Third Grade Wax Museum Third Grade explorers come to life in the annual THS Wax Museum. Learn about inspirational people who pushed boundaries to reach new discoveries and understandings that have significantly impacted our world and redefined the impossible.

Fourth Grade Realistic Fiction

Fourth Grade Realistic Fiction In our first writing unit, students were tasked to create a realistic fiction story with a well-developed character and logical story arc. They implemented the strategies used by their favorite authors to create a character that was complex and had clear desires and obstacles. As they drafted, students used strategies from [...]

A Letter To My 8th Grade Drawing Class

Dearest Drawing Students, By definition, drawing is "a form of visual art in which one uses various drawing instruments to mark paper or another two-dimensional medium. ... A drawing instrument releases a small amount of material onto a surface, leaving a visible mark.." The trouble with defining art is that art is boundaryless.  You have [...]

THS Flag Salute

THS Flag Salute Songs At THS we have a beloved tradition of song and spirit during our morning flag salute. Despite pivoting to remote learning, we have kept our love of singing alive. Our risk-taking students have endeavored to create beautiful moments for our school community to enjoy. Please take a moment to delight in [...]

Kindergarten Votes Count!

Kindergarten Election Day In the spirit of election season, our Kindergarten students exercised their voice by using an election to democratically determine the name of our class mascot. After choosing six names, the Kindergarten students narrowed the list down to four qualifying names: Harry Darry, Lady Dot Glitter, Skiez, and Brownie Skip. The class filled out [...]

Brighter Days Art Contest

Brighter Days Art Contest   Amidst a pandemic and local fires, The Press Democrat hosted a community art contest titled “Brighter Days” with the intention of engaging and uplifting students by inviting them to create and share their original artwork. Over seventy risk-taking THS students submitted their beautiful art pieces! After much deliberation, the judging [...]

Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos On November 2nd, many families honor relatives who have passed away in a commemoration we call Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. This tradition originated in the souls of ancient Mexicans, but now has crossed borders, and is widely celebrated in the United States. Offerings or Ofrendas are [...]

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Indigenous Peoples' Day 10/12/2020 Celebrate the culture and rich traditions of the Pomo People The Pomo, are the Hokan-speaking Indigenous North American People of the west coast of the United States. Their territory was centered in the Russian River valley some 50 to 100 miles (80 to 160 km) north of what is now San [...]

October Garden Buzz

THS Garden Buzz October Edition What's Growing in the Garden What to Plant in your Home Garden Fall Read Aloud Recipe of the Month A Message From the Hopi Elders What's Growing in the School Garden Summer has come to a close and I am overjoyed at the sight of fallen leaves and the feeling [...]

September Garden Buzz

Getty Challenge

How does art reflect and affect society? This is the question our Fourth Grade students are grappling with in their IB unit "How We Express Ourselves". Students are examining different art forms and studying examples of art as a tool for sending messages about society. Students participated in the "Getty Challenge" by recreating famous paintings, [...]

2020 Service Learning

KINDERGARTEN CARDS FOR HOSPITALIZED CHILDREN CLICK HERE 1ST GRADE COMING SOON This year the 2nd graders collected 746 gently used or new books to donate to the 20/30 club of Healdsburg. These books were then given to children in the community that has minimum access to books at home. The Second Graders were determined to give these [...]


THS hosted our first annual Green and Grey Day. Students and families showed off their THS School Spirit and had some fun. The school was divided into two teams Green (A-K) and Grey (L-Z) for this friendly competition. The day kicked off with flag salute led by the amazing Mr. H. After flag salute, students, [...]

What time is it? – First Grade Mandarin

Our First Graders are in the process of learning how to tell the time in Mandarin.  Learning how to tell time can be difficult, but can also be fun when you use games, activities, and exercises to practice.  Ms. Iting has done just that. She prepared activities and games for her 1st graders to play [...]

Sixth Grade Virtual Lab on Pangaea

In Mrs. Leslie’s Science class, the Sixth Grade did a virtual lab on the formation of Pangaea. Here is a screenshot of one group working through the lab activity.  The students had to use geologic evidence (fossils, glaciation, rock ages) in order to reconstruct the former supercontinent of Pangaea.  The students then constructed a flipbook [...]

Earth Day Collage

In honor of Earth Day, Ms. Perrine asked her Sixth Grade Advisory class to go outside and take a picture of something that inspires them about our Earth or share a past photo they took - it could be something as simple as a flower, a sunset, a waterfall, a tree.... Ms. Perrine took the [...]

Scavenger Hunt in the 6th Grade

Ms. Perrine’s Sixth Grade Advisory group did a scavenger hunt on Monday where they had to find a bunch of stuff (something green, something that begins with the first letter of their name, something they've had since they were young (or a long time if a victim of the fires), favorite piece of clothing, something [...]

Pets Hard at Work

Our pets spend a lot of time with us, so it certainly makes sense that they would pick up a trick or two from us during this Shelter in Place. If you’re looking for a good laugh today, check out photos of the Fourth grade pets caught behaving like humans. These pets take after their [...]

A THS Community Coloring Book – THS Zentangle Gallery

Ready to explore your creativity and imagination? Thank you to the wonderful and creative Mrs. Weber who designed a THS digital book from submitted drawings showcasing Zentangle art. This digital book shows the artistic talents of our students, teachers, parents, and community members. Zentangle is a way to create art by drawing various repeated patterns. [...]

Chinese Food for Family Dinner Project

Ms. Iting asked her middle school students to step inside their kitchen and prepare a simple Chinese meal at home. Ms. Iting selected a few of her favorite Chinese recipes for her students to choose from and to enjoy with their family. These recipes included braised salmon, chicken (or pork) and vegetable stir-fry, and cucumber [...]

1st Grade Dance Challenge

Returning from break is a transition, so the 1st grade team came up with a fun and creative activity for their students to let their wiggles out, show a dance move or two, and cheer on their friends. Mrs.Clark asked First Grade students and families who would like to participate to send her a dance [...]

7th Grade Science | Build your Own DNA Model

As part of their Genetics Unit, 7th Graders learned about the structure of DNA and were tasked with creating a homemade 3D model of the double helix molecule using any materials they had available (construction paper, pipe cleaners, candy, sticks, paper clips, LEGOs, Minecraft, etc.). Their models needed to include two sugar phosphate backbones and [...]

THS Flag Salute

Flag Salute is an important morning tradition at The Healdsburg School that we all love. Times have changed and we can no longer stand together on the campus quad in the mornings, but now we can all zoom together in our homes. Every Monday at 9:00 am Ms Davies will lead flag salute for our [...]

Hucklebucklebeanstock with Ms. Perrine

Ms. Perrine carries on a fun tradition with her 6th Grade Advisory Group virtually. That tradition is playing a game called Hucklebucklebeanstock that she usually plays in her classroom. Have you ever heard of Hucklebucklebeanstock? It is a childhood game where you hide a penny in plain sight and everyone has to find it without [...]

7th Grade Quarantine Journal

By: 7th Grade Student - Emilia The Healdsburg School’s MIddle-School students are taking part in a weekly Quarantine Journal Project, launched nationally by the Nueva School, in a Middle-School-teacher collaboration. Students can choose a prompt that is related to their situation, from “Food” to “How I’m Reaching Out to Others.” They are writing reflections, creating [...]

Spring Photo Challenge Project

The past couple of weeks our students and teachers had the opportunity to participate in a weekly Spring Photo Challenge created by the wonderful Flora Skivington, a THS parent. Students and teachers got the chance to capture and share the beauty that Sonoma County has to offer by taking some snaps. This project and challenge allowed [...]

Personal Essay Conferences

Personal Essay Conferences Ms. Walker met with each student independently via zoom to discuss their opinion essays. In the conference, they worked collaboratively to develop writing goals and revise the evidence that they worked on yesterday. Millie chooses to write about her relationship with her brother and the importance of having a supportive sibling.

P.E. with MR. H

P.E. WITH MR H. Mr. H has been keeping the THS Bears fired up to stay physically active and healthy!  His videos and messages have been encouraging students to get outside and move as much as possible.  Mr. H himself has been seen online sweating to his Peloton workouts and holding some impressive yoga poses.  [...]


I SAVED THE WORLD IN MY PAJAMAS By Meher | Student Council I saved the world in my pajamas I saved the world in my pajamas Sipping hot cocoa and watching TV I saved the world in my pajamas Staying home, and doing a puzzle, maybe three I saved the world in my pajamas Playing [...]

Musical Jars and the Science of Sound

Musical Jars and the Science of Sound A little about the science of sound: Lower School students were asked to create their own water xylophones using glasses. Small vibrations are made when you hit the glass, this creates sound waves that travel through the water. More water means slower vibrations and a deeper tone. When you hit [...]

Remote Learning Day #1 – A message from Ms Davies

PJ Party Read Aloud in 1st Grade

“Media is Designed to Influence Thinking and Behavior”

In inquiry, the second-grade class is learning about media. The students had a few introductory lessons on this topic before transitioning to remote learning, The last few days they have been doing some reading about "How advertising works" and "How the brain works." They were then asked to jot down why they think the two go [...]

First Day of Spring

We Love our THS Parents!

Let's give our teachers a HUGE virtual high five! Moving to remote learning is no small task and our teachers have done this with such grace, determination, and care - We are in awe and so grateful to be part of this resilient THS family. Big virtual hugs from the THS Parent Org

Zoom Virtual Kindergarten Playdate

Today in the Kindergarten online playdate the kinders talked about their read aloud, “The Gingerbread Man and the Leprechaun Loose at School.” Many of the kids thought he was quick and sneaky. He made a big mess of the school but he ended up being nice because, in the end, he cleaned up the messes. [...]

4th Grade Morning Meeting

Our fourth-grade students begin their remote learning day with a morning meeting to talk about their roses and thorns of the previous day and go over their agenda. Today Ms. Walker talked to her students about different forms of kinetic and potential energy and they used padlet to upload their descriptions and videos examples.